Are You an Evolving Leader?

Daily life is constantly evolving, organizations are evolving, careers and positions are evolving, the job markets are evolving.  As a leader, what are you doing to evolve?  Let’s digress a minute and simply focus on the word:

Latin:  Evolvere – to unroll, open, unfold, but that was in 1645.  The definition in today’s dictionary is:  to develop gradually.  The key word being develop.

As a senior (in many ways but not yet senile) executive, I have spent what seems to be a lifetime observing, studying, implementing and effecting organizational change.  Lately, I’ve taken a few moments to revisit and reflect upon what my studies have not only shown me but have also taught me.  I can take apart a computer and put it back together.  There isn’t a software or app that has gotten the better of me yet.  I can have a conversation with a CEO or a file clerk and am comfortable with both.  Long ago I made a choice; I will evolve and develop as my life, career and path unfold.  As a leader what choice have you made?  Have you evolved or are you stagnant?

Not preaching here, but to be an effective leader, you must observe, listen, adapt and evolve.  Living with and hiding behind an “old school” mindset in the ever changing (sometimes on a minute-by-minute basis) workplace, will simply result in stagnancy.  Maintaining the philosophy “this is how it’s always been done” will not help you, as a leader, or your organization … wait for it … develop.  A leader leads by example.  Can you perform the tasks that you ask others to perform?  Reflect on that for a moment.  In current organizational cultures, the norms are very different than five, ten and definitely fifteen to twenty years ago.  Even terminology relating to positions has evolved.  Offices no longer have Secretaries.  The positions are now referred to as Administrative Assistants, Executive Assistants and sometimes even Chief of Staff.   (Please, I mean no offense to anyone, that was the first example that came to mind.)

As a leader, it is important to remember that you cannot change people.  You must develop the skills to grow, evolve and change how you interact with and lead people.  They will be who they are and you will need to adapt, tweak and adjust you.  You will find yourself continuously fine-tuning your actions and reactions until you experience that ah-ha moment where you have figured out the solution to masterfully address any and all individuals.  Whether someone likes you or not makes no difference at the end of the day, it will be the respect they have for you in handling them professionally that will solidify the forward momentum of the relationship.  It will also solidify your value as a leader.

Hopefully you have found this little tidbit about evolution helpful and will take one tiny step for you and one giant leap for your career / organization / life to evolve …

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