
How was yours? Sadly, the response to that dreaded question from many people is … “OMG, I’m having such a Monday.”

What does that mean really? It means that “having a Monday” implies that your week will start out with a whole bunch of stuff, hurdles and bumps in the road that you simply hadn’t planned on or have time for. And, if you’re “having a Monday on a Tuesday,” it means that Monday is just plainly known as the worst day of the week. 

Here are just a few of the comments that I’ve heard over the years relating to Mondays: I spent the entire day putting out fires, I had to deal with an unhappy client, my employee(s) called in sick so I’m short-staffed and the list goes on and on. Feel free to add your own as well. 

What can you do to change the doom and gloom of the dreaded “Monday” syndrome? Work with me here. 

Step one, BREATHE!  Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply a few times to help you relax just a little. Don’t hyperventilate please.

Step two, repeat after me, it’s not the end of the world, it’s just another day with a few hiccups. 

Step three, add a little laughter to the moment, it will ease the stress and help your team understand that you’re not going to be “that boss” everyone avoids on days like Mondays.

Step four, ask your team to pitch in and help. They’ll be glad you showed them you’re human and can’t do everything by yourself. IE – you need them. 

Step five, thank them for what they do. A little recognition goes a VERY long way.

Step six, control what you can. 

The bottom line? We all have a Monday every once in a while. The more adept we are at handling the noisome hurdles, the better our capabilities are to lead. Leading by example, regardless of the kind of day you’re having, is paramount to not only your success, but the success of your team.

If you’re stuck or having a little trouble getting over the leadership stuff, hurdles and or bumps in the road, let’s have a conversation. A little coaching goes a long way, especially on a “Monday.”

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